[YARDIM] Login Panel Hata Veriyor

0 Üye ve 1 Ziyaretçi konuyu incelemekte.

Çevrimdışı 4VCI

  • 4VCI#4969(discord)
  • Acemi Üye
  • *
    • İleti: 177
  • Pertinacious Vargant Stars
    • Pertinacious Vargant Stars
: 05 Ağustos 2017, 20:46:56
Login panel scripti neden hata veriyor?

Spoiler for Hiden:
--iR|HorrorClown (PewX) - iRace-mta.de--
local today = {time = "", date = ""}
local x, y = guiGetScreenSize()
local w = {sX = math.random(0, x), sY = math.random(0, y), w = 0, h = 0, wA = 0, errorMsg = "", sub = {sX = x/2, sY = y/2-(50/1080*y), alpha = 0, tA = 255, selected = 1, sWH = 170/1080*y, items = {"Login", "Register", "Info"}}}
local leftClick = false

local iFont = {}
local iFontB = {}
local iFontU = {}
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function()
   for i = 8, 36 do
      iFont = dxCreateFont("files/fonts/calibrii.ttf", i/1080*y, false)
      iFontB = dxCreateFont("files/fonts/calibrii.ttf", i/1080*y, true)
      iFontU = dxCreateFont("files/fonts/calibrii.ttf", i, false)

function isHover(startX, startY, width, height)
   if isCursorShowing() then
      assert(type(startX) and type(startY) and type(width) and type(height) == "number", "Bad Argument @isHover [Expected number]")
      local pos = {getCursorPosition()}
      return (x*pos[1] >= startX) and (x*pos[1] <= startX + width) and (y*pos[2] >= startY) and (y*pos[2] <= startY + height)
   return false

local function changeSelected(state, m)
   local nS if m ~= nil then   nS = state else   nS = w.sub.selected + state   if nS > 3 then nS = 1 elseif nS < 1 then nS = 3 end   end
   local t = {}
   local function render()
      local p = (getTickCount()-t.sT)/(t.eT-t.sT)
      w.sub.sX, w.sub.sWH = interpolateBetween(t.sX, t.sWH, 0, t.eX, t.eWH, 0, p, "OutBack")
      w.sub.tA          = interpolateBetween(t.sTA, 0, 0, t.eTA, 0, 0, p, "OutQuad")
      if p >= 1 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render) end
      w.sub.selected = nS
   t.sT = getTickCount()
   t.eT = t.sT + 600
   t.sX = w.sub.sX
   t.eX = x/2-(128/1920*x)*(nS-1)
   t.sTA = 100
   t.eTA = 255
   t.sWH = 100/1080*y
   t.eWH = 170/1080*y
   addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render)

local function includeZero(n) if #tostring(n) == 1 then return "0"..n end return n end
local wd = {[1] = "Monday", [2] = "Tuesday", [3] = "Wednesday", [4] = "Thursday", [5] = "Friday", [6] = "Saturday",
  • = "Sunday"}

local function getDayName(n) return wd[n] end
local m = {[1] = "February", [2] = "March", [3] = "April", [4] = "May", [5] = "June", [6] = "July", [7] = "August", [8] = "September", [9] = "October", [10] = "November", [11] = "December",
  • = "January", }

local function getMonthName(n) return m[n] end

local function calcToday()
   local time = getRealTime()
   today.time = includeZero(time.hour) .. ":" .. includeZero(time.minute)
   today.date = getDayName(time.weekday) .. ", " .. time.monthday .. ". " .. getMonthName(time.month) .. " " .. time.year + 1900

local function boundedKeys(btn, down)
   if down and (btn == "enter" or btn == "num_enter") then clientExecute(w.sub.selected, getSelectedGuiTexts(w.sub.selected))
   elseif down and btn == "arrow_r" then changeSelected(1)
    elseif down and btn == "arrow_l" then changeSelected(-1)

local function renderExecuteIcon()
   if fileExists("files/images/login/execute.png") then
      local color = tocolor(200, 200, 200, w.sub.alpha)
        local size = 48/1080*y
      if isHover(x-(40+size)/1920*x, w.sY + (280/1080*y), size, size) then
         color = tocolor(255, 120, 0, w.sub.alpha)
         if leftClick then
            clientExecute(w.sub.selected, getSelectedGuiTexts(w.sub.selected))

      dxDrawImage(x-(40+size)/1920*x, w.sY + (280/1080*y), size, size, "files/images/login/execute.png", 0, 0, 0, color)

local function render()
    fadeCamera(true, 0)     --No other way found.. Can't find the right fadeOut in race resource..
   dxDrawRectangle(w.sX, w.sY, w.w, w.h, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 180))
    dxDrawRectangle(w.sX, w.sY+(250/350*w.h), w.w, 1, tocolor(120, 120, 120, w.wA))
   dxDrawRectangle(w.sX, w.sY+(251/350*w.h), w.w, 1, tocolor(20, 20, 20, w.wA))
   for i, sub in ipairs(w.sub.items) do
      if fileExists("files/images/login/" .. string.lower(sub) .. ".png") then
         local iconLength = 100/1920*x
            local iW, iH, tA = iconLength, iconLength, 100 --Image Width, Image Height, textAlpha

            if i == w.sub.selected then iW, iH, tA = w.sub.sWH, w.sub.sWH, w.sub.tA   end
         dxDrawImage(w.sub.sX+(200/1920*x)*(i-1)-iW/2, w.sub.sY-iH/2, iW, iH, "files/images/login/" .. string.lower(sub) .. ".png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, tA/255*w.sub.alpha))
         if isHover(w.sub.sX+(200/1920*x)*(i-1)-iW/2, w.sub.sY-iH/2, iW, iH) then sub = ">" .. sub .. "<" if leftClick then changeSelected(i, true)  end end
         dxDrawText(sub, w.sub.sX+(200/1920*x)*(i-1)-iW/2, y/2+(30/1080*y), w.sub.sX+(200/1920*x)*(i-1)+iW/2, y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, tA/255*w.sub.alpha), 1, iFont[14], "center")
   local x1, y1 = x/4/1920*x, w.sY
   if w.sub.selected == 1 then
      dxDrawText("Username", x1, y1 + (250/1080*y), x, y1 + (350/1080*y), tocolor(255, 255, 255, w.sub.tA/255*w.sub.alpha), 1, iFont[14], "left", "center")
      dxDrawText("Password", x1 + (350/1920*x), y1 + (250/1080*y), x, y1 + (350/1080*y), tocolor(255, 255, 255, w.sub.tA/255*w.sub.alpha), 1, iFont[14], "left", "center")
   elseif w.sub.selected == 2 then
      dxDrawText("Username", x1, y1 + (250/1080*y), x, y1 + (350/1080*y), tocolor(255, 255, 255, w.sub.tA/255*w.sub.alpha), 1, iFont[14], "left", "center")
      dxDrawText("Password", x1 + (350/1920*x), y1 + (250/1080*y), x, y1 + (350/1080*y), tocolor(255, 255, 255, w.sub.tA/255*w.sub.alpha), 1, iFont[14], "left", "center")
      dxDrawText("Password", x1 + (700/1920*x), y1 + (250/1080*y), x, y1 + (350/1080*y), tocolor(255, 255, 255, w.sub.tA/255*w.sub.alpha), 1, iFont[14], "left", "center")
   elseif w.sub.selected == 3 then
      dxDrawText("Forgot your account name or password? No problem. Contact an admin at our teamspeak (ts.iRace-mta.de) or forum (iRace-mta.de)\nYour iRace-Team :)", x1, y1 + (250/1080*y), x, y1 + (350/1080*y), tocolor(255, 255, 255, w.sub.tA/255*w.sub.alpha), 1, iFont[14], "left", "center")

   dxDrawText(today.time, 0, w.sY+(50/1080*y), w.sX+(x/4), y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, w.wA), 1, iFontB[36], "right")
   dxDrawText(today.date, 0, w.sY+(113/1080*y), w.sX+(x/4), y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, w.wA), 1, iFont[12], "right")
    dxDrawText(w.errorMsg, 0, w.sY+(225/1080*y), w.sX+(x/4), y, tocolor(180, 0, 0, w.wA), 1, iFont[12], "right")

   leftClick = false

local function setWindowWidth(n)
   local t = {}
   local function render()
      local p = (getTickCount()-t.sT)/(t.eT-t.sT)
      w.w = interpolateBetween(t.s, 0, 0, t.e, 0, 0, p, "OutQuad")
      if p >= 1 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render) end
   t.sT = getTickCount()
   t.eT = t.sT + 1250
   t.s = w.w
   t.e = n
   addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render)

local function setWindowHeight(n)
   local t = {}
   local function render()
      local p = (getTickCount()-t.sT)/(t.eT-t.sT)
      w.h = interpolateBetween(t.s, 0, 0, t.e, 0, 0, p, "OutQuad")
      if p >= 1 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render) end
   t.sT = getTickCount()
   t.eT = t.sT + 1250
   t.s = w.h
   t.e = n
   addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render)

local function setWindowSX(n)
   local t = {}
   local function render()
      local p = (getTickCount()-t.sT)/(t.eT-t.sT)
      w.sX = interpolateBetween(t.s, 0, 0, t.e, 0, 0, p, "OutQuad")
      if p >= 1 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render) end
   t.sT = getTickCount()
   t.eT = t.sT + 1250
   t.s = w.sX
   t.e = n
   addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render)

local function setWindowSY(n)
   local t = {}
   local function render()
      local p = (getTickCount()-t.sT)/(t.eT-t.sT)
      w.sY = interpolateBetween(t.s, 0, 0, t.e, 0, 0, p, "OutQuad")
      if p >= 1 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render) end
   t.sT = getTickCount()
   t.eT = t.sT + 1250
   t.s = w.sY
   t.e = n
   addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render)

local function setWindowAlpha(n)
   local t = {}
   local function render()
      local p = (getTickCount()-t.sT)/(t.eT-t.sT)
      w.wA = interpolateBetween(t.s, 0, 0, t.e, 0, 0, p, "OutQuad")
      if p >= 1 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render) end
   t.sT = getTickCount()
   t.eT = t.sT + 1250
   t.s = w.wA
   t.e = n
   addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render)

local function setWindowSubAlpha(n)
   local t = {}
   local function render()
      local p = (getTickCount()-t.sT)/(t.eT-t.sT)
      w.sub.alpha = interpolateBetween(t.s, 0, 0, t.e, 0, 0, p, "OutQuad")
      if p >= 1 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render) end
   t.sT = getTickCount()
   t.eT = t.sT + 2500
   t.s = w.sub.alpha
   t.e = n
   addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render)

local edits = {}
function createGUIEdits(s)
   for i, edit in ipairs(edits) do
      if isElement(edit) then
   edits = {}
   local x1, y1 = x/4/1920*x, w.sY + (290/1080*y)
   if s == 1 then
      edits[1] = guiCreateEdit(x1 + dxGetTextWidth("Username", 1, iFont[14]) + 20, y1, 150/1920*x, 21/1080*y, "", false)
      edits[2] = guiCreateEdit(x1 + (370/1920*x) + dxGetTextWidth("Password", 1, iFont[14]), y1, 150/1920*x, 21/1080*y, "", false)
      guiEditSetMasked(edits[2], true)
   elseif s == 2 then
      edits[1] = guiCreateEdit(x1 + dxGetTextWidth("Username", 1, iFont[14]) + 20, y1, 150/1920*x, 21/1080*y, "", false)
      edits[2] = guiCreateEdit(x1 + (370/1920*x) + dxGetTextWidth("Password", 1, iFont[14]), y1, 150/1920*x, 21/1080*y, "", false)
      edits[3] = guiCreateEdit(x1 + (720/1920*x) + dxGetTextWidth("Password", 1, iFont[14]), y1, 150/1920*x, 21/1080*y, "", false)
      guiEditSetMasked(edits[2], true)
      guiEditSetMasked(edits[3], true)

function getSelectedGuiTexts(s)
   local temp = {}
   if s == 1 then
      temp[1] = guiGetText(edits[1])
      temp[2] = guiGetText(edits[2])
   elseif s == 2 then
      temp[1] = guiGetText(edits[1])
      temp[2] = guiGetText(edits[2])
      temp[3] = guiGetText(edits[3])
   return temp

function showErrorMessage(msg)
    if msg ~= nil then
        w.errorMsg = msg
addEvent("showErrorMessage", true)
addEventHandler("showErrorMessage", localPlayer, showErrorMessage)

Background animations
local patterns = {}
local function splitAnimation(index, sx, sy, w, h)
   if not patterns[index].special then
      local tiles = math.random(2, 8)
      w, h = w/tiles, h/tiles
      for i = 1, tiles do
         local t = {file = patterns[index].file, sT = getTickCount(), eT = getTickCount() + math.random(1000, 3000), sPX = sx, sPY = sy, ePX = math.random(0, x), ePY = math.random(0, y), w = w, h = h, cr = patterns[index].cr, cg = patterns[index].cg, cb = patterns[index].cb, ca = patterns[index].ca, r = patterns[index].r, rotate = patterns[index].rotate, speed = patterns[index].speed, special = true, donut = patterns[index].donut}
         table.insert(patterns, t)
      table.remove(patterns, index)
      table.remove(patterns, index)

local function renderBackground()
   dxDrawText("Particles: " .. #patterns, 0, 0, x, y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, w.wA), 1, iFont[12], "right", "top")
   for i, p in ipairs(patterns) do
      local progress = (getTickCount()-p.sT)/(p.eT-p.sT)
      local pX, pY = interpolateBetween(p.sPX, p.sPY, 0, p.ePX, p.ePY, 0, progress, "OutQuad")
      if fileExists("files/images/login/" .. p.file .. ".png") then
         dxDrawImage(pX, pY, p.w, p.h, "files/images/login/" .. p.file .. ".png", p.r, 0, 0, tocolor(p.cr, p.cg, p.cb, p.ca))
      if p.rotate then p.r = p.r + p.speed end
      if p.setIn then p.ca = p.ca + 5 if p.ca == 180 then p.setIn = false end end
      if p.setOut then p.ca = p.ca - 5 if p.ca == 0 then p.terminated = true p.setOut = false end end
      if progress >= 0.8 and p.special and not p.setOut and not p.terminated then p.setOut = true end
      if progress >= 1 then splitAnimation(i, pX, pY, p.w, p.h) end

local function isEaster(year, cMonth, cDay)
    local d = (19*(year%19)+24)%30
    local e = (2*(year%4)+4*(year%7)+6*d+5)%7
    local month, day = 0, 22+d+e

    if day <= 31 then month = 3 else month, day = 4, d+e-9 end
    if cMonth == month and (cDay >= day and cDay <= day + 7) then return true else return false end

local function getRandomImage()
    local time = getRealTime()

    if isEaster(time.year+1900, time.month+1, time.monthday) then return "egg" end
    if time.month == 1 and (time.monthday >= 10 and time.monthday <= 20) then return "love" end
    if time.month == 11 and (time.monthday >= 1 and time.monthday <= 26) then return "christmas" end
    if time.month == 9 and (time.monthday >= 24 and time.monthday <= 31) then return "halloween" end

    local p = math.random(1,100)
   if p <= 5 then
      return "donut"
   elseif p > 5 and p <= 60 then
      return "dot"
   elseif p > 60 and p <= 100 then
      return "pixel"

local btnStDown = false
local addParticles = setTimer(function()
    if btnStDown then return end
   for _ = 1, math.random(1,15) do
      local t = {setIn = true, sT = getTickCount(), eT = getTickCount() + math.random(2500, 10000), speed = math.random(-3, 3), sPX = math.random(0, x), sPY = math.random(0, y), ePX = math.random(0, x), ePY = math.random(0,y), w = math.random(10, 50), h = math.random(10, 50), cr = math.random(0,255), cg = math.random(0,255), cb = math.random(0,255), ca = 0, rotate = false, r = 0}
      if math.random(1,2) == 1 then t.rotate = true end
      local file = getRandomImage()
      if file == "dot" then
         t.h = t.w
      elseif file == "donut" then
            local rs = math.random(28, 128)
         t.rotate = true
         t.cr, t.cg, t.cb, t.w, t.h = 255, 255, 255, rs, rs
        elseif file == "love" then
            local rs = math.random(28, 128)
            t.rotate = true
            t.cr, t.cg, t.cb, t.w, t.h = 255, 255, 255, rs, rs
        elseif file == "christmas" then
            local rs = math.random(28, 128)
            t.rotate = true
            t.cr, t.cg, t.cb, t.w, t.h = 255, 255, 255, rs, rs
        elseif file == "christmas" then
            local rs = math.random(28, 128)
            t.rotate = true
            t.cr, t.cg, t.cb, t.w, t.h = 255, 255, 255, rs, rs
        elseif file == "egg" then
            local rs = math.random(28, 128)
            t.rotate = true
            t.cr, t.cg, t.cb, t.w, t.h = 255, 255, 255, rs, rs
        elseif file == "halloween" then
            local rs = math.random(28, 128)
            t.rotate = true
            t.cr, t.cg, t.cb, t.w, t.h = 255, 255, 255, rs, rs
      t.file = file
      table.insert(patterns, t)
end, 3000, -1)

local cTimer
function createClickPatterns()
   if not isCursorShowing(localPlayer) then if isTimer(cTimer) then killTimer(cTimer) end end
   for _ = 1, 5 do
      local ax, ay = getCursorPosition()
      local t = {file = "dot", sT = getTickCount(), eT = getTickCount() + math.random(1500, 2000), sPX = ax*x, sPY = ay*y, ePX = math.random(0, x), ePY = math.random(0,y), w = math.random(2, 6), rotate = false, r = 0, special = true}
      t.h = t.w
      local wColor = math.random(200, 255)
      t.cr, t.cg, t.cb, t.ca = wColor, wColor, wColor, 255
      table.insert(patterns, t)

addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, function(btn, st)
   if btn == "left" and st == "down" then
      leftClick = true
      btnStDown = true

        if isTimer(addParticles) then
          if not isTimer(cTimer) then cTimer = setTimer(createClickPatterns, 80, -1) end
      btnStDown = false if isTimer(cTimer) then killTimer(cTimer) end

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function()
    addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, renderBackground)
    addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, render)
    local height = 350/1080*y

    setTimer(function() setWindowSY(y/2-height/2) setWindowSX(0) setWindowHeight(50) setWindowWidth(50) end, 1500, 1)
    setTimer(function() setWindowWidth(x) setWindowAlpha(255) setWindowHeight(height) end, 2000, 1)
    setTimer(function() setWindowSubAlpha(255) end, 3500, 1)
    setTimer(function() createGUIEdits(1) addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, boundedKeys) end, 4500, 1)
    showPlayerHudComponent("all", false)

addEvent("onClientSuccess", true)
addEventHandler("onClientSuccess", localPlayer, function()
    removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, render)
    removeEventHandler("onClientKey", root, boundedKeys)
    if isTimer(addParticles) then killTimer(addParticles) end
    setTimer(function() removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, renderBackground) end, 20000,  1)
« Son Düzenleme: 06 Ağustos 2017, 11:55:57 Gönderen: Narkoz »
[DD/DM] Player


[YARDIM] Login Panel Hata Veriyor
« : 05 Ağustos 2017, 20:46:56 »

Çevrimdışı shephard^

  • Uzman Üye
  • *
    • İleti: 776
  • decay.
Yanıtla #1 : 05 Ağustos 2017, 21:17:29
script belirtilen dosyayı bulamıyor dosyaları ve meta.xml yi kontrol et.

Çevrimdışı 4VCI

  • 4VCI#4969(discord)
  • Acemi Üye
  • *
    • İleti: 177
  • Pertinacious Vargant Stars
    • Pertinacious Vargant Stars
Yanıtla #2 : 05 Ağustos 2017, 21:42:08
Kodlar bunlardır.

Spoiler for Hiden:

   <script src = "sLogin.lua" type = "server" />
   <script src = "cLogin.lua" type = "client" cache = "false" />
   <script src = "cLogin_designer.lua" type = "client" cache = "false" />
   <file src="files/fonts/calibrii.ttf" />
   <file src="files/images/login/pixel.png" />
   <file src="files/images/login/donut.png" />
   <file src="files/images/login/love.png" />
   <file src="files/images/login/christmas.png" />
   <file src="files/images/login/dot.png" />
   <file src="files/images/login/login.png" />
   <file src="files/images/login/register.png" />
   <file src="files/images/login/info.png" />
   <file src="files/images/login/execute.png" />
   <file src="files/images/login/egg.png" />
   <file src="files/images/login/halloween.png" />

Spoiler for Hiden:
--iR|HorrorClown (PewX) - iRace-mta.de--
local badChars = {"!","\"","§","&","/","=","?","`","´","\\","{","}","³","²","@","€","*","+","#","'","~","|","<",">",".",":",",",";","%","(",")","$","[","]" }

local function containsBadChars(n)
   for _, theChar in ipairs(badChars) do
      if string.find(n, theChar, 1, true) then
         return true
   return false

function showErrorMessage(msg)
   triggerEvent("showErrorMessage", localPlayer, msg)

function clientExecute(s, inputs)
   if s == 1 then                                     --Login
      for _, t in ipairs(inputs) do
         if t == nil or t == "" then
            showErrorMessage("Invalid username or password")
   elseif s == 2 then                                  --Register
      for _, t in ipairs(inputs) do
         if t == nil or t == "" then
            showErrorMessage("Invalid username or password")

      if containsBadChars(inputs[1]) then
         showErrorMessage("Your accountname contains invaild chars")
      elseif #inputs[2] < 6 then
         showErrorMessage("Your password must be at least 6 characters")
      elseif inputs[2] ~= inputs[3] then
         showErrorMessage("The passwords do not match.")
   triggerServerEvent("onClientExecute", localPlayer, s, inputs)

Spoiler for Hiden:
--iR|HorrorClown (PewX) - iRace-mta.de--
local badChars = {"!","\"","§","&","/","=","?","`","´","\\","{","}","³","²","@","€","*","+","#","'","~","|","<",">",".",":",",",";","%","(",")","$","[","]"}

addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function()
    for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType"player") do

local function containsBadChars(n)
   for _, theChar in ipairs(badChars) do
      if string.find(n, tostring(theChar), 1, true) then
         return true
   return false

local function isPlayerRegistered(player)
    if #getAccountsBySerial(getPlayerSerial(player)) ~= 0 then return true else return false end

local function getPlayersFirstAccount(player)
    if #getAccountsBySerial(getPlayerSerial(player)) ~= 0 then
      return getAccountsBySerial(getPlayerSerial(player))[1]
      return false

addEvent("onClientFinishedLoading", true)
addEventHandler("onClientFinishedLoading", root,
      local firstAccount = getPlayersFirstAccount(client)
      triggerClientEvent(client, "onServerRequestLoginRegister", getRootElement(), firstAccount and getAccountName(firstAccount) or false)

local function isAccountRegistered(n)
   local account = getAccount(n)
   if account then   return true else return false end

addEvent("onClientExecute", true)
addEventHandler("onClientExecute", root, function(s, inputs)
   if source ~= client then return end
   if s == 1 then
       local pA = getAccount(inputs[1])
        if pA then
            local pL = logIn(client, pA, inputs[2])
            if pL then
            triggerClientEvent(client, "onClientSuccess", client)
                triggerEvent("onClientLoggedIn", resourceRoot, client)
                triggerClientEvent(client, "addClientMessage", client, "|Info| #ff8000Type /report [text] for super very fast support :)", 255, 255, 255)
                triggerClientEvent(client, "showErrorMessage", client, "Invalid password!")
            triggerClientEvent(client, "showErrorMessage", client, "Can't find account!")
   elseif s == 2 then
      for _, t in ipairs(inputs) do
         if t == nil or t == "" then
            triggerClientEvent(client, "showErrorMessage", client, "Invalid username or password")
      if containsBadChars(inputs[1]) then
         triggerClientEvent(client, "showErrorMessage", client, "Your accountname contains invaild chars")
      elseif #inputs[2] < 6 then
         triggerClientEvent(client, "showErrorMessage", client,"Your password must be at least 6 characters")
      elseif inputs[2] ~= inputs[3] then
         triggerClientEvent(client, "showErrorMessage", client,"The passwords do not match.")
      elseif isAccountRegistered(inputs[1]) then
         triggerClientEvent(client, "showErrorMessage", client,"Account allready registered.")
        elseif isPlayerRegistered(client) then
            triggerClientEvent(client, "showErrorMessage", client, "You allready registered an account.")

        local nA = addAccount(inputs[1], inputs[2])
        if nA then
            logIn(client, nA, inputs[2])
            triggerClientEvent(client, "onClientSuccess", client)
            setPlayerTeam(client, getTeamFromName("User"))
         --setAccountData(nA, "cash", 250000)
         triggerClientEvent(client, "onClientSuccess", client)
            triggerClientEvent(client, "showErrorMessage", client, "An error occupied while creating account.")

addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand", root, function(cmd)
   if cmd == "login" or cmd == "register" or cmd == "logout" then cancelEvent() end
« Son Düzenleme: 06 Ağustos 2017, 11:57:01 Gönderen: Narkoz »
[DD/DM] Player