[YARDIM] Nametag'dan İsim Kaldırma

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Çevrimdışı UtkuReis

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    • İleti: 85
: 28 Aralık 2017, 16:19:42
Elimde Aşağıdaki Gibi Bir Nametag Var Ondan Nasıl İsmimi Kaldırırım Yani Canın Üstünde İsmim Yazmıcak Sadece Can Kalıcak,Teşekkürler.

Kod: lua
-- -- This script also re-integrates the healthbar (MTA hardcoded to custom one) but with the same looks, cannot be noticed it's a new one. This is needed to overcome technical limitations.																																														

-- Nametag Settings --
local Nametags = {
showing = false; -- don't touch this, it's already auto-enabled with onClientResourceStart (but if you change that you'll need to edit this variable)
font = "default-bold"; -- nametag font
shadow = true; -- whether or not to make shadow of nametag's text (so that it can be seen in any environment)
showHealthbar = true; -- whether or not to show health bar and armor bar
hpBarWidth = 122; -- Max health bar width (132 because i think max nick length is 22 and dxGetTextWidth returns around 132 for that length)
hpBarHeight = 13; -- Health bar height
scale = 1; -- Font scale
shadowRecThickness = 6; -- Thickness of shadow around healthbar
maxDistance = 10; -- Distance at which nametag starts to fade out
adaptToTeam = true; -- Should player's nametag color be changed to team's if player has a team?

function Player:GetNick() -- returns hexless nick
return self:getName():gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "");

function getPedMaxHealth(ped)
    -- Output an error and stop executing the function if the argument is not valid
    assert(isElement(ped) and (getElementType(ped) == "ped" or getElementType(ped) == "player"), "Bad argument @ 'getPedMaxHealth' [Expected ped/player at argument 1, got " .. tostring(ped) .. "]")

    -- Grab his player health stat.
    local stat = getPedStat(ped, 24)

    -- Do a linear interpolation to get how many health a ped can have.
    -- Assumes: 100 health = 569 stat, 200 health = 1000 stat.
    local maxhealth = 100 + (stat - 569) / 4.31

    -- Return the max health. Make sure it can't be below 1
    return math.max(1, maxhealth)

function dxDrawEmptyRectangle(startX, startY, endX, endY, color, width, postGUI)
dxDrawLine ( startX, startY, startX+endX, startY, color, width, postGUI )
dxDrawLine ( startX, startY, startX, startY+endY, color, width, postGUI )
dxDrawLine ( startX, startY+endY, startX+endX, startY+endY,  color, width, postGUI )
dxDrawLine ( startX+endX, startY, startX+endX, startY+endY, color, width, postGUI )

function IsColorcode(s)
local n = s:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "");
if (#n) < (#s) then return true else return false end;

function Nametags.render()

local bIgnoreDistance = false;
local people = {};

-- Check if we're aiming at someone, if yes, force the nametag to be shown
if localPlayer:getTargetStart() and localPlayer:getTargetEnd() and getKeyState("mouse2") then

local sx, sy, sz = getPedTargetStart(localPlayer);
local ex, ey, ez = getPedTargetEnd(localPlayer);
bIgnoreDistance, _, _, _, hitElement = processLineOfSight(sx, sy, sz, ex, ey, ez, false, true, true, false, false, true, false, true, localPlayer, false, false);

-- Check if it's a player or is it a vehicle with players
if hitElement then

if hitElement:getType() == "player" then
people[hitElement] = true;

elseif hitElement:getType() == "vehicle" then

-- get passengers if there are any
for _, v in pairs(getVehicleOccupants(hitElement)) do
people[v] = true;



for i, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player", nil, true)) do

local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition(player, 2);
local mx, my, mz = getCameraMatrix();
local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(mx, my, mz, x, y, z);

if player ~= localPlayer and ( distance <= 50 or people[player] == true) then

if isLineOfSightClear( mx, my, mz, x, y, z, true, false, false, true, false, false, false, localPlayer ) then

local additional_z = .20;
local X, Y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z + additional_z);

if X and Y then

local text = Nametags.shadow and player:GetNick() or player:getName();
local texto = player:getName();

local r, g, b;

local alpha = 175;
local font = IsColorcode(texto) and "default-bold" or "default";

-- Check for team
if player:getTeam() and Nametags.adaptToTeam then
r, g, b = player:getTeam():getColor();
r, g, b = player:getNametagColor();

-- Should we fade out? --
if distance >= Nametags.maxDistance and not bIgnoreDistance then

local leftover = distance - Nametags.maxDistance;
alpha = math.max(0, alpha - distance * (leftover/5));


-- Draw player text --
dxDrawText(text, X - dxGetTextWidth(text, Nametags.scale, font), Y, X + dxGetTextWidth(text, Nametags.scale, font), Y, Nametags.shadow and tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha) or tocolor(r, g, b, alpha), Nametags.scale, font, "center", "top", false, false, false, Nametags.shadow and false or true);

if Nametags.shadow then
dxDrawText(texto, X - dxGetTextWidth(texto, Nametags.scale, font) - 1, Y - 1, X + dxGetTextWidth(texto, Nametags.scale, font) - 1, Y - 1, tocolor(r, g, b, alpha), Nametags.scale, font, "center", "top", false, false, false, true);

-- Draw healthbar --
if Nametags.showHealthbar then

local fontHeight = dxGetFontHeight(Nametags.scale, font);
local distanceScaling = distance * 1.5;
local alpha2 = alpha - 150;
local alphaDivider = 255 / 150;

-- Alpha fix --
if alpha2 < 10 then
alpha2 = 0

-- If we are aiming from distance longer than fade distance then dont scale the rectangles --
if (bIgnoreDistance and distance > Nametags.maxDistance) or (distance > Nametags.maxDistance + (distance - Nametags.maxDistance)) then
distanceScaling = 0;
distance = 0;

local multiplier = Nametags.hpBarWidth / getPedMaxHealth(player);
local middleDistanceScale =  (  (X - Nametags.hpBarWidth / 2 + distanceScaling / 2 ) - (X - Nametags.hpBarWidth / 2)  ) / 2;
local colorMultiplier = 255 / getPedMaxHealth(player);
local armor = player:getArmor();
local divider = (10-(player:getHealth()/getPedMaxHealth(player))*8);

local recX = X - Nametags.hpBarWidth / 2 + middleDistanceScale;
local recY = Y + fontHeight + Nametags.shadowRecThickness * 2 - distanceScaling / 10;
local recWidth = math.max(player:getHealth() * multiplier - distanceScaling / divider, 1); -- distanceScaling / 10 makes it so low health doesnt 'decrease' when you get far away from player but it causes issue of full health getting out of healtbar, and distanceScaling / 2 makes it at full health to stay inside but on small health when you go away from player it looks like his health is lowering
local recHeight = Nametags.hpBarHeight - distanceScaling / 20;

-- Dead issue fix --
if player:getHealth() == 0 then
recWidth = 0;

-- Fix when player has 200hp eventho his max is 100, and fixes other impossible cases, this is actually more of a safeguard that health bar never gets out of its 'prison'
if recWidth > Nametags.hpBarWidth then
recWidth = Nametags.hpBarWidth - Nametags.shadowRecThickness;

dxDrawRectangle(recX - Nametags.shadowRecThickness, recY - Nametags.shadowRecThickness, Nametags.hpBarWidth + Nametags.shadowRecThickness * 2 - distanceScaling / 2, recHeight + Nametags.shadowRecThickness * 2, armor > 0 and tocolor(120, 120, 120, alpha) or tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha));
dxDrawRectangle(recX, recY, Nametags.hpBarWidth - distanceScaling / 2, recHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha));
dxDrawRectangle(recX, recY, Nametags.hpBarWidth - distanceScaling / 2, recHeight, tocolor(math.max(255 - player:getHealth() * colorMultiplier, 0), math.max(0 + player:getHealth() * colorMultiplier, 0), 0, alpha2));

dxDrawRectangle(recX, recY, recWidth, recHeight, tocolor(math.max(255 - player:getHealth() * colorMultiplier, 0), math.max(0 + player:getHealth() * colorMultiplier, 0), 0, alpha));







function Nametags:isShowing()
return Nametags.showing;

function Nametags:setShowing(bShowing)
if bShowing then
if not Nametags:isShowing() then
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, Nametags.render);
Nametags.showing = true;
if Nametags:isShowing() then
removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, Nametags.render);
Nametags.showing = false;

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,

-- Disable nametags for everyone --
for _, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do



addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", root,


[YARDIM] Nametag'dan İsim Kaldırma
« : 28 Aralık 2017, 16:19:42 »

Çevrimdışı Mahlukat

  • Uzman Üye
  • *
    • İleti: 637
Yanıtla #1 : 28 Aralık 2017, 17:52:22
Kod: lua
-- -- This script also re-integrates the healthbar (MTA hardcoded to custom one) but with the same looks, cannot be noticed it's a new one. This is needed to overcome technical limitations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
-- Nametag Settings --
local Nametags = {
        showing = false;                -- don't touch this, it's already auto-enabled with onClientResourceStart (but if you change that you'll need to edit this variable)
        font = "default-bold";          -- nametag font
        shadow = true;                  -- whether or not to make shadow of nametag's text (so that it can be seen in any environment)
        showHealthbar = true;   -- whether or not to show health bar and armor bar
        hpBarWidth = 122;               -- Max health bar width (132 because i think max nick length is 22 and dxGetTextWidth returns around 132 for that length)
        hpBarHeight = 13;               -- Health bar height
        scale = 1;                              -- Font scale
        shadowRecThickness = 6; -- Thickness of shadow around healthbar
        maxDistance = 10;               -- Distance at which nametag starts to fade out
        adaptToTeam = true;             -- Should player's nametag color be changed to team's if player has a team?
function Player:GetNick() -- returns hexless nick
        return self:getName():gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "");
function getPedMaxHealth(ped)
    -- Output an error and stop executing the function if the argument is not valid
    assert(isElement(ped) and (getElementType(ped) == "ped" or getElementType(ped) == "player"), "Bad argument @ 'getPedMaxHealth' [Expected ped/player at argument 1, got " .. tostring(ped) .. "]")
    -- Grab his player health stat.
    local stat = getPedStat(ped, 24)
    -- Do a linear interpolation to get how many health a ped can have.
    -- Assumes: 100 health = 569 stat, 200 health = 1000 stat.
    local maxhealth = 100 + (stat - 569) / 4.31
    -- Return the max health. Make sure it can't be below 1
    return math.max(1, maxhealth)
function dxDrawEmptyRectangle(startX, startY, endX, endY, color, width, postGUI)
        dxDrawLine ( startX, startY, startX+endX, startY, color, width, postGUI )
        dxDrawLine ( startX, startY, startX, startY+endY, color, width, postGUI )
        dxDrawLine ( startX, startY+endY, startX+endX, startY+endY,  color, width, postGUI )
        dxDrawLine ( startX+endX, startY, startX+endX, startY+endY, color, width, postGUI )
function IsColorcode(s)
        local n = s:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "");
        if (#n) < (#s) then return true else return false end;
function Nametags.render()
        local bIgnoreDistance = false;
        local people = {};
        -- Check if we're aiming at someone, if yes, force the nametag to be shown
        if localPlayer:getTargetStart() and localPlayer:getTargetEnd() and getKeyState("mouse2") then
                local sx, sy, sz = getPedTargetStart(localPlayer);
                local ex, ey, ez = getPedTargetEnd(localPlayer);
                bIgnoreDistance, _, _, _, hitElement = processLineOfSight(sx, sy, sz, ex, ey, ez, false, true, true, false, false, true, false, true, localPlayer, false, false);
                -- Check if it's a player or is it a vehicle with players
                if hitElement then
                        if hitElement:getType() == "player" then
                                people[hitElement] = true;
                        elseif hitElement:getType() == "vehicle" then
                                -- get passengers if there are any
                                for _, v in pairs(getVehicleOccupants(hitElement)) do
                                        people[v] = true;
        for i, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player", nil, true)) do
                local x, y, z = getPedBonePosition(player, 2);
                local mx, my, mz = getCameraMatrix();
                local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(mx, my, mz, x, y, z);
                if player ~= localPlayer and ( distance <= 50 or people[player] == true) then
                        if isLineOfSightClear( mx, my, mz, x, y, z, true, false, false, true, false, false, false, localPlayer ) then
                                local additional_z = .20;
                                local X, Y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z + additional_z);
                                if X and Y then
                                        local text = Nametags.shadow and player:GetNick() or player:getName();
                                        local texto = player:getName();
                                        local r, g, b;
                                        local alpha = 175;
                                        local font = IsColorcode(texto) and "default-bold" or "default";
                                        -- Check for team
                                        if player:getTeam() and Nametags.adaptToTeam then
                                                r, g, b = player:getTeam():getColor();
                                                r, g, b = player:getNametagColor();
                                        -- Should we fade out? --
                                        if distance >= Nametags.maxDistance and not bIgnoreDistance then
                                                local leftover = distance - Nametags.maxDistance;
                                                alpha = math.max(0, alpha - distance * (leftover/5));
                                        -- Draw player text --
                                        --dxDrawText(text, X - dxGetTextWidth(text, Nametags.scale, font), Y, X + dxGetTextWidth(text, Nametags.scale, font), Y, Nametags.shadow and tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha) or tocolor(r, g, b, alpha), Nametags.scale, font, "center", "top", false, false, false, Nametags.shadow and false or true);
                                        --if Nametags.shadow then
                                          --      dxDrawText(texto, X - dxGetTextWidth(texto, Nametags.scale, font) - 1, Y - 1, X + dxGetTextWidth(texto, Nametags.scale, font) - 1, Y - 1, tocolor(r, g, b, alpha), Nametags.scale, font, "center", "top", false, false, false, true);
                                        -- Draw healthbar --
                                        if Nametags.showHealthbar then
                                                local fontHeight = dxGetFontHeight(Nametags.scale, font);
                                                local distanceScaling = distance * 1.5;
                                                local alpha2 = alpha - 150;
                                                local alphaDivider = 255 / 150;
                                                -- Alpha fix --
                                                if alpha2 < 10 then
                                                        alpha2 = 0
                                                -- If we are aiming from distance longer than fade distance then dont scale the rectangles --
                                                if (bIgnoreDistance and distance > Nametags.maxDistance) or (distance > Nametags.maxDistance + (distance - Nametags.maxDistance)) then
                                                        distanceScaling = 0;
                                                        distance = 0;
                                                local multiplier = Nametags.hpBarWidth / getPedMaxHealth(player);
                                                local middleDistanceScale =  (  (X - Nametags.hpBarWidth / 2 + distanceScaling / 2 ) - (X - Nametags.hpBarWidth / 2)  ) / 2;
                                                local colorMultiplier = 255 / getPedMaxHealth(player);
                                                local armor = player:getArmor();
                                                local divider = (10-(player:getHealth()/getPedMaxHealth(player))*8);
                                                local recX = X - Nametags.hpBarWidth / 2 + middleDistanceScale;
                                                local recY = Y + fontHeight + Nametags.shadowRecThickness * 2 - distanceScaling / 10;
                                                local recWidth = math.max(player:getHealth() * multiplier - distanceScaling / divider, 1); -- distanceScaling / 10 makes it so low health doesnt 'decrease' when you get far away from player but it causes issue of full health getting out of healtbar, and distanceScaling / 2 makes it at full health to stay inside but on small health when you go away from player it looks like his health is lowering
                                                local recHeight = Nametags.hpBarHeight - distanceScaling / 20;
                                                -- Dead issue fix --
                                                if player:getHealth() == 0 then
                                                        recWidth = 0;
                                                -- Fix when player has 200hp eventho his max is 100, and fixes other impossible cases, this is actually more of a safeguard that health bar never gets out of its 'prison'
                                                if recWidth > Nametags.hpBarWidth then
                                                        recWidth = Nametags.hpBarWidth - Nametags.shadowRecThickness;
                                                dxDrawRectangle(recX - Nametags.shadowRecThickness, recY - Nametags.shadowRecThickness, Nametags.hpBarWidth + Nametags.shadowRecThickness * 2 - distanceScaling / 2, recHeight + Nametags.shadowRecThickness * 2, armor > 0 and tocolor(120, 120, 120, alpha) or tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha));
                                                dxDrawRectangle(recX, recY, Nametags.hpBarWidth - distanceScaling / 2, recHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, alpha));
                                                dxDrawRectangle(recX, recY, Nametags.hpBarWidth - distanceScaling / 2, recHeight, tocolor(math.max(255 - player:getHealth() * colorMultiplier, 0), math.max(0 + player:getHealth() * colorMultiplier, 0), 0, alpha2));
                                                dxDrawRectangle(recX, recY, recWidth, recHeight, tocolor(math.max(255 - player:getHealth() * colorMultiplier, 0), math.max(0 + player:getHealth() * colorMultiplier, 0), 0, alpha));
function Nametags:isShowing()
        return Nametags.showing;
function Nametags:setShowing(bShowing)
        if bShowing then
                if not Nametags:isShowing() then
                        addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, Nametags.render);
                        Nametags.showing = true;
                if Nametags:isShowing() then
                        removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, Nametags.render);
                        Nametags.showing = false;
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
                -- Disable nametags for everyone --
                for _, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", root,

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